Expansion of Hong Kong
International Airport into a Three-Runway System |
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report (Register No.: AEIAR-185/2014) prepared for the “Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System” (the Project) has been approved by the Director of Environmental Protection, and an Environmental Permit (EP) (Permit No.: EP-489/2014) has been issued for the project under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance.
The purpose of this updated Management Organizations is to provide the latest information based on the recent contracts awarded under this project. This updated Management Organizations includes the following information:
a) the management organization of the main construction companies and/or any form of joint ventures associated with the construction of the Project (in Section 2);
b) the management organization of the Environmental Team (ET) (in Section 3);
c) the management organization of the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) and his team (in Section 4); and
d) organization charts, names of responsible persons and their contact details.
Langfang Huayuan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. (Contract P560(R)) is the contractor appointed to undertake the diversion of the existing submarine aviation fuel pipelines.
Construction works of Contract P560(R) have been completed.
Penta-Ocean-China State-Dong-Ah Joint Venture (Contract 3201), Samsung-Build King Joint Venture (Contract 3202), Sambo E&C Co., Ltd. (Contract 3203), China Road and Bridge-Sambo Joint Venture (Contract 3204) and Bachy Soletanche-Sambo Joint Venture (Contract 3205) are the contractors appointed to undertake the DCM ground improvement works.
Construction works of Contracts 3201, 3202, 3203, 3204, and 3205 have been completed.
Zhen Hua Engineering Company Ltd.-China Communications Construction Company Ltd.-CCCC Dredging (Group) Company Ltd. (ZHEC-CCCC-CDC) Joint Venture (Contract 3206) is the contractor appointed to undertake the main reclamation works.
Names of the responsible persons and their contact details of Contract 3206 are set out in Table 1 below.
Fujita Corporation-China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd.-Zhen Hua Engineering Company Ltd. (FJT-CHEC-ZHEC) Joint Venture (Contract 3301) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction works for the north runway crossover taxiway.
China Road and Bridge Corporation (Contract 3302) is the contractor appointed to undertake advance works for the eastern vehicular tunnel.
Sinohydro Corporation Limited, Powerchina Airport Construction Company Limited, Paul Y. Construction Company Limited, and Rock-One Engineering Company Limited (SAPR) Joint Venture (Contract 3303) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction works for the new runway, taxiways, and associated works.
ADB Safegate Hong Kong Limited (Contract 3305) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction works for the airfield ground lighting system.
Chinney Alliance Engineering Limited (Contract 3306) is the contractor appointed to undertake the works for the observation facility control systems supporting interim Two-Runway System (2RS) and Three-Runway System (3RS).
Paul Y. Construction Company Limited (Contract 3307) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction works for the fire training facility on the new reclamation area.
DAS Aviation Services Group (Contract 3308) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction works for the foreign object debris detection system.
China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd. (Contract 3310) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction work for the North Runway modification works.
Construction works of Contracts 3301 and 3303 have been completed.
Names of the responsible persons and their contact details of Contracts 3302, 3305, 3306, 3307, 3308 and 3310 are set out in Table 1 below.
Wing Hing Construction Co., Ltd. (Contract 3402) is the contractor appointed to undertake enabling works for the new Integrated Airport Centres.
Sun Fook Kong Construction Limited (Contract 3403) is the contractor appointed to undertake building and civil works for the new Integrated Airport Centres.
Shun Hing Systems Integration Co., Ltd. (Contract 3404) is the contractor appointed to undertake the works for the integrated airport control system.
China Road and Bridge Corporation – Bachy Soletanche Group Limited – LT Sambo Co., Ltd Joint Venture (Contract 3405) is the contractor appointed to undertake foundation and substructure works for the Terminal 2 Concourse.
Beijing Urban Construction Group Company Limited and Chevalier (Construction) Company Limited (BUCG-CCCL) Joint Venture (Contract 3408) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction works for the Terminal 2 Concourse, taxiways, specified sections of eastern vehicular tunnel and associated works.
Names of the responsible persons and their contact details of Contracts 3402, 3403, 3404, 3405 and 3408 are set out in Table 1 below.
Build King Construction Ltd. (Contract 3501) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction works for antenna farm and sewage pumping station.
Build King Construction Ltd. (Contract 3502) is the contractor appointed to undertake Terminal 2 (T2) automated people mover (APM) depot modification works.
Leighton–Chun Wo Joint Venture (Contract 3503) is the contractor appointed to undertake T2 foundation and substructure works.
Gammon Engineering & Construction Company Limited (Contract 3508) is the contractor appointed to undertake T2 expansion works.
Construction works of Contracts 3501, 3502 and 3503 have been completed.
Names of the responsible persons and their contact details of Contract 3508 are set out in Table 1 below.
CRRC Puzhen Bombardier Transportation Systems Ltd. and CRRC Nanjing Puzhen Co., Ltd. (PBTS – CRRC PZ) consortium (Contract 3601) is the contractor appointed to undertake works for the new Automated People Mover (APM) system (TRC Line).
Niigata Transys Company Ltd. (Contract 3602) is the contractor appointed to undertake the existing APM system modification works.
Names of the responsible persons and their contact details of Contracts 3601 and 3602 are set out in Table 1 below.
Vanderlande Industries Hong Kong Limited and Shun Hing Systems Integration Company Limited (Contract 3603) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction works of baggage handling system (BHS).
Names of the responsible persons and their contact details of Contract 3603 are set out in Table 1 below.
China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd. (Contract 3721) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction of the infrastructure works and building facilities on the new reclamation area.
Tapbo Construction Company Limited and Konwo Modular House Limited Joint Venture (Contract 3722) is the contractor appointed to undertake the design and construction of support facilities in western support area.
Tapbo Construction Company Limited and Konwo Modular House Limited Joint Venture (Contract 3723) is the contractor appointed to undertake the design and construction of support facilities in eastern support area.
Shun Yuen Construction Company Limited (Contract 3728) is the contractor appointed to undertake the minor site works within the airside and landside areas of the existing airport island.
Wing Hing Construction Co., Ltd. (Contract 3733) is the contractor appointed to undertake the emergency repair service.
Construction works of Contract 3722 and 3723 have been completed. Names of the responsible persons and their contact details of Contracts 3721, 3728 and 3733 are set out in Table 1 below.
China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd. (Contract 3801) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction works of APM and BHS tunnels on existing airport island.
Gammon Engineering & Construction Company Limited (Contract 3802) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction works of APM and BHS tunnels and related works mainly on reclaimed land area.
Beijing Urban Construction Group Company Limited - Beijing Urban Construction International Company Limited - Kin Shing (Leung's) General Contractors Ltd Joint Venture (Contract 3804) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction works of East Fire Station (EFS) and Landside Fire Station (LFS) on reclaimed land area.
Chinney Construction Co., Ltd. (Contract 3805) is the contractor appointed to undertake the construction of New Airport District Police Operational Base (NPOB) and related works mainly on reclaimed land area.
Names of the responsible persons and their contact details of Contracts 3801, 3802, 3804 and 3805 are set out in Table 1 below.
K. Wah Concrete Company Limited (Contract 3901A) and Gammon Construction Limited (Contract 3901B) are the licensees appointed to establish, operate, and maintain concrete batching facilities at the Project site.
Gitanes – Crown Asia Joint Venture (Contract 3908) is the contractor appointed to provide services of site management and logistic control of 3RS quays, as well as flat top barge and vehicle delivery services between the launching point in Hong Kong and 3RS quays.
Sinohydro Corporation Limited, Powerchina Airport Construction Company Limited, and Rock-One Engineering Company Limited Joint Venture (Contract 3913) is the contractor appointed to undertake existing asphalt batching facilities and provide, operate as well as maintain associated facilities, plants and equipment at the Project site.
Names of the responsible persons and their contact details of Contract 3901A, 3901B and 3913 are set out in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Contact Information of Key Personnel
Party |
Position |
Name |
Telephone |
Contractor 3206 Main Reclamation Works (ZHEC-CCCC-CDC Joint Venture) |
Project Manager |
Alan Mong |
3763 1352 |
alan.mong@3206.zccjv3rs.com |
Environmental Officer |
Zhang Bin Wang |
3763 1525 |
zb.wang@3206.zccjv3rs.com |
Contract 3302 Eastern Vehicular Tunnel Advance Works (China Road and Bridge Corporation) |
Project Manager |
Dickey Yau |
5699 4503 |
dickey.yau@crbc.com.hk |
Environmental Officer |
Dennis Ho |
5645 0563 |
dennis.ho@crbc.com.hk |
Contract 3305 Airfield Ground Lighting System (ADB Safegate Hong Kong Limited) |
Project Manager |
Allam Al-Turk |
2944 9725 |
allam.al-turk@adbsafegate.com |
Environmental Officer |
Ivan Ting |
9222 9490 |
pochung.ting.ext@adbsafegate.com |
Contract 3306 Observation Facility Control System Supporting Interim 2RS and 3RS (Chinney Alliance Engineering Limited) |
Project Director |
Dennis Yam |
9551 9920 |
dennis.yam@chinney-eng.com |
Environmental Officer |
Richard Liu |
9216 8990 |
richardliu@chinney.com.hk |
Contract 3307 Fire Training Facility (Paul Y. Construction Company Limited)
Project Manager |
Ken Tang |
9640 5397 |
kenkmtang@pyengineering.com |
Environmental Officer |
Ferddy Leung |
5585 6746 |
ferddyleung@pyengineering.com |
Contract 3308 Foreign Object Debris Detection System (DAS Aviation Services Group) |
Project Manager
Jeffrey Yau
9873 7422
Contract 3310 North Runway Modification Works (China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd.) |
Project Manager |
Kingsley Chiang |
9424 8437 |
kingsleychiang@cohl.com |
Environmental Officer |
Federick Wong |
9842 2703 |
cheukwai_wong@cohl.com |
Contract 3402 New Integrated Airport Centres Enabling Works (Wing Hing Construction Co., Ltd.) |
Project Manager |
Wyman Lau |
6112 9753 |
wymanlau@whconst.com.hk |
Health Safety Environmental Manager |
Mike Leung |
6625 2550 |
mikeleung@whconst.com.hk |
Contract 3403 New Integrated Airport Centres Building and Civil Works (Sun Fook Kong Construction Ltd.) |
Project Manager |
Alice Leung |
9220 3162 |
aliceleung@sfk.com.hk |
Environmental Officer |
Ray Cheung |
9785 1566 |
sfk.raycheung@gmail.com |
Contract 3404 Integrated Airport Control System (Shun Hing Systems Integration Co., Ltd.) |
Project Manager |
Andy Ng |
9102 2739 |
andy.ng@shunhinggroup.com |
Safety Officer |
Keith Chau |
9620 7515 |
keith.chau@shunhinggroup.com |
Contract 3405 Third Runway Concourse Foundation and Substructure Works (China Road and Bridge Corporation – Bachy Soletanche Group Limited – LT Sambo Co., Ltd. Joint Venture.) |
Project Manager |
Francis Choi |
9423 3469 |
francis.choi@crbc.com.hk |
Environmental Officer |
Jacky Lai |
9028 8975 |
Contract 3408 Third Runway Concourse and Apron Works (Beijing Urban Construction Group Company Limited and Chevalier (Construction) Company Limited Joint Venture) |
Assistant Project Manager |
Qian Zhang |
5377 7976 |
zhangqian@bucg.cc |
Environmental Officer |
Malcolm Leung |
7073 7559 |
malcolm.leung@bucg.cc |
Contract 3508 Terminal 2 Expansion Works (Gammon Engineering & Construction Company Limited) |
Project Director |
Richard Ellis |
6201 5637 |
richard.ellis@gammonconstruction.com |
Environmental Officer |
Fanny Law |
6184 4650 |
fanny.pf.law@gammonconstruction.com |
Contract 3601 New APM System (TRC Line) (CRRC Puzhen Bombardier Transportation Systems Limited and CRRC Nanjing Puzhen Co., Ltd. Joint Venture) |
Project Manager
Hongdan Wei |
158 6180 9450 |
wei.hongdan@pbts-crrc.com |
Environmental Officer |
H Y Yue |
9185 8186
hy.yue@egjv.com.hk |
Contract 3602 Existing APM System Modification Works (Niigata Transys Co., Ltd.)
Project Manager |
Kunihiro Tatecho |
9755 0351 |
kunihiro_tatecho@niigata-transys.com |
Environmental Officer |
Y M Tong |
5316 9801 |
ymtong@ihi.com.hk |
Contract 3603 Baggage Handling System (Vanderlande Industries Hong Kong Ltd. and Shun Hing Systems Integration Co., Ltd.) |
Project Manager |
K C Ho |
9272 9626 |
ho.kee.cheung@shunhinggroup.com |
Environmental Officer |
Richard Ng |
9802 9577 |
richard.ng@shunhinggroup.com |
Contract 3721 Construction Support Infrastructure Works (China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd.) |
Senior Project Manager |
Thomas Lui |
9011 5340 |
thomas_lui@cohl.com |
Environmental Officer |
John Mak |
6273 8703 |
chihung_mak@cohl.com |
Contract 3728 Minor Site Works (Shun Yuen Construction Company Limited) |
Contract Manager |
C K Liu |
9194 8739 |
ckliu@shunyuen.com |
Environmental Officer |
Dan Leung |
6856 5899 |
dan.leung@shunyuen.com |
Contract 3733 Emergency Repair Service (Wing Hing Construction Co., Ltd.) |
Project Manager |
Michael Kan |
9206 0550 |
michaelkan@whconst.com.hk |
SHE Manager |
Mike Leung |
6625 2550 |
mikeleung@whconst.com.hk |
Contract 3801 APM and BHS Tunnels on Existing Airport Island (China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd.) |
Project Manager |
Kingsley Chiang |
9424 8437 |
kingsleychiang@cohl.com |
Environmental Officer |
Eunice Kwok |
9243 1331 |
laihung_kwok@cohl.com |
Contract 3802 APM and BHS Tunnels and Related Works (Gammon Engineering & Construction Company Limited) |
Project Director |
John Adams |
6111 6989 |
john.adams@gammonconstruction.com |
Environmental Officer |
Phoebe Ng |
9869 1105 |
phoebe.ng@gammonconstruction.com |
Contract 3804 East and Landside Fire Stations (Beijing Urban Construction Group Company Limited -Beijing Urban Construction International Company Limited – Kin Shing (Leung's) General Contractors Ltd Joint Venture) |
Project Manager |
Mr. Zhang Xianda |
4661 6818 |
zhangxianda@bucg.cc |
Environmental Officer |
Ms. Kimberly Wong |
5542 1669 |
kimberly.wong@bucg.cc |
Contract 3805 New Airport District Police Operational Base (Chinney Construction Co., Ltd)
Project Manager |
Cheuk Wing Wai |
9339 8321 |
wwcheuk@chinney.com.hk |
Environmental Officer |
Mike Li |
6306 8547 |
mikeli@chinney.com.hk |
Contract 3901A Concrete Batching Facility (K. Wah Concrete Company Limited) |
Project Manager |
Benedict Wong |
9553 2806 |
benedictwong@kwcml.com |
Environmental Officer |
C P Fung |
9874 2872 |
cpfung@kwcml.com |
Contract 3901B Concrete Batching Facility (Gammon Construction Ltd.) |
General Manager |
Gabriel Chan |
2435 3260 |
gabriel.chan@gammonconstruction.com |
Environmental Officer |
Rex Wong |
2695 6319 |
Contract 3908 Quay Management Services (Gitanes – Crown Asia Joint Venture) |
Project Manager |
Mr. Ian Li |
9750 6438 |
ian.li@udl.com.hk |
Environmental Officer |
Mr. Tang Kai Fun |
9406 3526 |
gitanes.eo@udl.com.hk |
Contract 3913 Asphalt Batching Plant (Sinohydro Corporation Limtied, Powerchina Airport Construction Company Limited, and Rock-One Engineering Company Limited Joint Venture) |
Project Manager |
Xie Yi Sheng |
6580 6005 |
16jxieys@powerchina.cn |
Environmental Officer |
Kenneth Chan |
9300 2182 |
kennethchan3913@gmail.com |
Attachment A presents the organization charts of all the above-mentioned contractors required under EP Condition 2.4.
The management organization of the Environmental Team (ET), including names of the ET Leader and Deputy ET Leaders and their contact details are set out in Table 2 below:
Table 2: Contact Information of ET
Name |
Position |
Telephone |
Terence Kong |
ET Leader |
2828 5919 |
Terence.Kong@mottmac.com |
Heidi Yu |
Deputy ET Leader |
2828 5704 |
Heidi.Yu@mottmac.com |
Ken Wong |
Deputy ET Leader |
2828 5817 |
Ken.Wong@mottmac.com |
Attachment B presents an organization chart of the ET (together with that for the IEC, as described in Section 4 below) required under EP Condition 2.4.
The management organization of the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC), including names of the IEC and Deputy IEC are set out in Table 3 below:
Table 3: Contact Information of IEC
Name |
Position |
Telephone |
Roy Man |
3922 9141 |
roy.man@aecom.com |
Jackel Law |
Deputy IEC |
3922 9376 |
jackel.law@aecom.com |
Attachment B presents an organization chart of the IEC required under EP Condition 2.4.
A. Organization Chart of the Works Contracts
B. Organization Chart of the ET and IEC