of the Manual In accordance with Condition
3.1 of Environmental Permit (EP) (EP No. EP-489/2014), an updated Environmental
Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual shall be prepared before the
commencement of construction works. The first submission of Updated EM&A
was made to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) on 18 September 2015,
and finalised and release via the project’s dedicated website in January 2016.
The purpose of this updated EM&A
Manual (hereafter referred to as the Manual) is to guide the setup of an
EM&A programme to ensure compliance with the recommendations in the
approved Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report (Register No.
AEIAR-185/2014), to assess the effectiveness of the recommended mitigation
measures and to identify any further need for additional mitigation measures or
remedial action. This Manual outlines the monitoring and audit programme
proposed for the “Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a
Three-Runway System” (the project).
In this updated submission, Section 5
incorporates revised sensitive receiver water quality monitoring locations.
Section 10 incorporates an alternative method for passive acoustic monitoring
of Chinese White Dolphin and the alternative approach for undertaking Dolphin
Exclusion Zone Monitoring.
Project Description
The project will consist of a new third runway with associated taxiways,
aprons (or aircraft stands), as well as new passenger concourse buildings and
expansion of the existing Terminal 2 (T2) building. Included in the project
will be related airside and landside works and associated ancillary and
supporting facilities.
Based on the preferred airport development option identified, land is
required to be formed to the north of the existing airport island, which will
provide a platform for the development. The proposed land formation works will
mainly include:
● Land formation of not more than 650 ha
to the north of the existing airport island with partial construction over the
contaminated mud pits. The area of land formation is defined to be the area at
and above the high water mark of +2.3 mPD; and
● Modification and integration of the
existing seawall at the northern, western and eastern sides of the existing
North Runway into the new land formation and re-provisioning of new seawall
around the land formation.
The proposed airfield facilities will mainly include:
● Construction of a third runway,
related taxiway systems, associated airfield infrastructure, aircraft
navigational aids, approach lighting systems and new Hong Kong International
Airport Approach Area (HKIAAA) beacons;
● Construction of the third runway
passenger concourse (TRC) aprons;
● Temporary closure and modification
of the existing North Runway along with related taxiway systems; and
● Expansion of the freighter aprons in
the existing Midfield area between the existing North and South runways.
The proposed passenger facilities will mainly include:
● Construction of the TRC and
passenger fixed link bridges;
● Expansion of the existing passenger
● Extension of the automated people
mover (APM) and associated depot and maintenance / stabling areas; and
● Expansion of the baggage handling
system (BHS) and associated baggage halls and early bag store.
New ancillary facilities will be provided to support the operational
needs of the TRC and airfield facilities. These ancillary facilities will be
located on the west and east sides of the proposed land formation area (i.e. within the western support area and the eastern
support area respectively) and will accommodate utility buildings, airport
support developments, air cargo staging, catering, aircraft maintenance,
aircraft engine run-up (engine testing) facilities, ground services equipment
area, early bag storage facility, fire station, fire training facility, petrol
fuelling station, new air traffic control towers (ATCTs), Hong Kong Observatory
(HKO) facility, mobile phone system antenna towers, stores, security gate houses,
and Utilities
The proposed infrastructure and utilities will mainly include:
● Expansion of the landside and
airside road network in the passenger, cargo and maintenance areas and landside
transportation facilities, including new car parks;
● Construction of new airside road
access, including the construction of new airside road tunnels and ramps, to
connect the new third runway facilities with the existing airport;
● Modification to existing and
construction of new land based infrastructure including the seawater cooling
and flushing system, stormwater drainage system, greywater system, sewerage
network and potable water supply, Towngas supply,
132 kV / 11 kV and other power supply networks; communication networks; and
● Modifications and re-provisions to
existing marine facilities including the underwater aviation fuel pipelines
between Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and the off-airport fuel
receiving facilities at Sha Chau, the associated underwater 11 kV cable and
pilot cable and sea rescue boat points.
Construction Programme
The tentative programme for operation of the three-runway system (3RS)
will be in 2024. Given the scale and complexity of the project, construction
and the concurrent runway operational configuration will be implemented in
phases. The tentative phasing programme is provided in Appendix
A which is based on the currently
available information. This programme is subject to change during the detailed
design stage.
The proposed project organisation is shown in Chart 1-1 below.
Project Organisation Chart
Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK)
AAHK is the project proponent for the development of the project and
will assume overall responsibility for the project.
Protection Department (EPD)
EPD is the statutory enforcement body for environmental protection
matters in Hong Kong.
Manager (PM)
The Project Manager (PM) or the PM’s
Representative is responsible for overseeing the construction works and for ensuring
that the works are undertaken by the Contractor in accordance with the
specification and contract requirements. The duties and responsibilities of the
PM with respect to EM&A include:
● To monitor the Contractor’s
compliance with Contract Specifications, including the effective implementation
and operation of the environmental mitigation measures;
● To employ an Independent
Environmental Checker (IEC) to audit the results of the EM&A works carried
out by the Environmental Team (ET);
● To monitor Contractors’ compliance
with the requirements in the EP and updated EM&A Manual;
● To facilitate ET’s implementation of
the EM&A programme;
● To participate in joint site
inspection by the ET and IEC;
● To oversee the implementation of the
agreed Event and Action Plan in the event of any exceedance; and
● To adhere to the procedures for
carrying out complaint investigation.
Contractors The Contractors
employed by AAHK, including Contractors working on the project on a joint
venture (JV) basis, should report to the PM or the PM’s Representative. The
duties and responsibilities of the Contractors include:
● To comply with the relevant contract
conditions and specifications on environmental protection;
● To facilitate ET’s monitoring and
site inspection activities;
● To participate in the site
inspections undertake by the ET and IEC, and undertake any corrective actions;
● To provide information / advice to
the ET regarding works programme and activities which may contribute to the
generation of adverse environmental impacts;
● To submit proposals on mitigation
measures in case of exceedance of Action and Limit Levels in accordance with
the Event and Action Plans;
● To implement measures to reduce
impact where Action and Limit Levels are exceeded; and
● To adhere to the complaint handling
procedures in accordance with this Manual and the Complaint Management Plan.
Team (ET)
A full time on-site ET should be employed by the AAHK / PM to conduct
the EM&A programme no later than one month before the commencement of
construction of the project. The ET should not be in any way an associated body
of the Contractor or the IEC for the project. The ET should be headed by the
full time on-site ET Leader (ETL). The ETL should have relevant professional
qualifications in environmental control and possess at least seven years of
experience in EM&A or environmental management. Suitably qualified staff
should be included in the ET, and resources for the implementation of the
EM&A programme should be allocated to enable fulfilment of the project’s
EM&A requirements during construction of the project. The ET should report
to AAHK / PM and the duties should include:
● To carry out field sampling, field
measurement, testing, assessment, and reporting for various environmental
parameters as required in this EM&A Manual;
● To analyse the EM&A data, review
the success of EM&A programme and the adequacy of mitigation measures
implemented, confirm the validity of the EIA predictions and identify any
adverse environmental impacts arising and recommend suitable mitigation measures;
● To monitor compliance with
conditions in the EP, environmental protection, pollution prevention and
control regulations and contract specifications;
● To carry out regular site inspection
at least once per week so as to investigate and audit Contractor’s site
practice, equipment and work methodologies with respect to pollution control
and environmental mitigation;
● To report on the EM&A results to
the AAHK / PM, IEC, EPD and Contractors;
● To vet the Contractor’s method
statements, design plans and submissions and check that the relevant
environmental protection and pollution control measures have been included and
are sufficient to comply with contractual and statutory requirements;
● To inform the AAHK / PM, IEC and
Contractors the recommend suitable mitigation measures in the case of
exceedance of Action and Limit Levels in accordance with the Event and Action
● To liaise with the IEC on all environmental
performance matters, and ensure timely submission of all relevant EM&A pro
forma for IEC’s approval;
● To provide advice to the Contractors
on environmental improvement, awareness and enhancement matters, etc. on site;
● To prepare, certify and submit the
Baseline, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual and Final EM&A Review Reports to the
AAHK / PM, IEC and EPD timely;
● To keep a contemporaneous log-book
of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances, which
may affect the compliance with the recommendations of the approved EIA Report
and the EP; and
● To set up and manage the dedicated
complaint hotline and email channel, and manage the complaint handling
procedures in accordance with this Manual and the Complaint Management Plan.
Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)
The IEC is empowered to audit the environmental performance of
construction, but is independent from the management of construction works. As
such, the IEC should not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or
the ET for the project. A full time on-site IEC with a supporting team should
be employed by the AAHK / PM no later than one month prior to the commencement
of the construction of the project. The IEC should be a person who has relevant
professional qualifications in environmental control and at least seven years
of experience in EM&A or environmental management. The duties and
responsibilities of the IEC are:
● To provide proactive advice to the
AAHK / PM on EM&A matters related to the project;
● To verify the environmental
acceptability of permanent and temporary works and relevant design plans;
● To review and verify the monitoring
data and all submissions in connection with the EP, any subsequent Variations of EP (VEPs) and / or
Further EP (FEPs), and
EM&A reports submitted by the ET;
● To arrange and conduct at least
monthly site inspections of the works during the construction phase, and to
carry out ad hoc inspections if significant environmental problems are
● To validate and check the accuracy
of environmental monitoring;
● To audit the compliance with the
complaint handling procedures in accordance with this Manual and the Complaint
Management Plan;
● To verify the ET’s log-book and the
investigation result of any environmental exceedance, non-compliance and
complaint cases, compliance with the agreed Event and Action Plan and the
effectiveness of corrective actions / measures;
● To feedback audit results to the ET
by signing off relevant EM&A pro forma;
● To verify EM&A reports that have
been certified by the ETL;
● To audit EIA recommendations and requirements
against the status of implementation of environmental mitigation measures on
● To report the works conducted, and
the findings, recommendations and improvements of the site inspections, after
reviewing ET’s and Contractor’s works, to the AAHK / PM on a monthly basis; and
● To review the effectiveness of the
EM&A programme, EIA recommendations and the adequacy of mitigation measures
Air Quality Impact
2.1 Construction Air Quality Monitoring
2.1.1 General
The project is anticipated to give rise to construction dust impacts.
The key activities that would potentially result in dust emissions include land
formation works; construction works on the newly formed land and on the
existing airport island; operation of concrete batching plants, asphalt
batching plants, crushing plant, and barging points; haul roads; diversion of
submarine fuel pipeline; diversion of submarine 11 kV cable; and modifications
to existing outfalls. Construction phase dust monitoring is considered
necessary to check and ensure compliance that the relevant recommended
mitigation measures are properly implemented.
The key objectives of the construction phase dust monitoring are:
● To identify the extent of dust
impact during construction phase on sensitive receivers;
● To audit the compliance of the
Contractor with regard to dust control, contract conditions and the relevant
dust impact criteria;
● To determine the effectiveness of
mitigation measures to control fugitive dust emission from activities during
the construction phase;
● To recommend further mitigation
measures if found to be necessary; and
● To comply with Action and Limit
Levels for air quality as defined in this Manual.
2.1.2 Air Quality Parameters
Monitoring and audit of 24-hour
Respirable Suspended Particulates (RSP or PM10) and 24-hour Fine Suspended
Particulates (FSP or PM2.5) levels are not proposed. This is because even
under the hypothetical worst case Tier 1 mitigated scenario both 24-hour RSP
and 24-hour FSP would comply with the corresponding Air Quality Objectives
(AQO) at all Air Sensitive Receivers (ASR) throughout the construction period,
except the limited non-compliance with the AQO for 24-hour RSP at up to three
ASR in three of the eight construction years. Hence no significant RSP or FSP
impacts are anticipated. Therefore, only 1-hour Total Suspended Particulates
(TSP) will be monitored and audited at the proposed monitoring locations.
Details of the proposed monitoring locations are presented in Section 2.1.5
One-hour TSP levels shall be measured to indicate the impacts of
construction dust on air quality. The TSP levels shall be measured by following
the standard high volume
sampling method as set out in the Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
Chapter 1 (Part 50), Appendix B. Upon approval of
the AAHK / PM, as an alternative to using high volume sampling method, 1-hour
TSP levels can be measured by direct reading methods which are capable of
producing comparable results as that by the high volume sampling method, to
indicate short event impacts.
All relevant data including temperature, pressure, weather conditions,
elapsed-time meter reading for the start and stop of the sampler,
identification and weight of the filter paper, and any other local atmospheric
factors affecting or affected by site conditions etc. shall be recorded down in
detail. A sample data sheet is shown in Appendix
B. The ET may develop project specific
data sheet to suit this EM&A programme.
2.1.3 Monitoring Equipment
High volume sampler (HVS) shall be used
for carrying out the 1-hour TSP monitoring.
The ET is responsible for provision of the monitoring equipment. They
shall ensure that sufficient number of samplers with an appropriate calibration
kit is available for carrying out the baseline monitoring, regular impact
monitoring and ad hoc monitoring. The samplers shall be equipped with an
electronic mass flow controller and be calibrated against a traceable standard
at regular intervals. All the equipment, calibration kit, filter papers, etc.
shall be clearly labelled.
Initial calibration of dust monitoring equipment shall be conducted upon
installation and thereafter at bi-monthly intervals. The transfer standard
shall be traceable to the internationally recognised primary standard and be
calibrated annually. The calibration data shall be properly documented for
future reference by the concerned parties such as the IEC. All the data shall
be converted into standard temperature and pressure condition.
The flow-rate of the sampler before and after the sampling exercise with
the filter in position shall be verified to be constant and be recorded down in
the data sheet as shown in Appendix
If the ET proposes to use a direct reading dust meter to measure 1-hour
TSP levels, they shall submit sufficient information to the IEC to prove that
the instrument is capable of achieving a comparable result as that of the HVS
and may be used for the 1-hour sampling. The instrument shall also be
calibrated regularly, and the 1-hour sampling shall be determined periodically
by HVS to check the validity and accuracy of the results measured by direct
reading method.
Wind data monitoring equipment shall also be provided and set up at
conspicuous locations for logging wind speed and wind direction near to the
dust monitoring locations. The equipment installation location shall be
proposed by the ET and agreed with the IEC. For installation and operation of
wind data monitoring equipment, the following points shall be observed:
● The wind sensors shall be installed
on masts at an elevated level 10 m above ground so that they are clear of
obstructions or turbulence caused by the buildings;
● The wind data shall be captured by a
data logger. The data recorded in the data logger shall be downloaded
periodically for analysis at least once a month;
● The wind data monitoring equipment
shall be re-calibrated at least once every six months; and
● Wind direction shall be divided into
16 sectors of 22.5 degrees each.
In exceptional situations, the ET may propose alternative methods to
obtain representative wind data upon approval from the AAHK / PM and agreement
from the IEC.
Proposed Use of Portable Direct Reading Dust Meter and Existing Wind
Data from Chek Lap Kok Wind Station
Based on the provisions and
requirements set out in Section above, a proposal of using
portable direct reading dust meter in undertaking the EM&A for the 3RS
project was submitted to the IEC, and agreement from the IEC was obtained. The
proposal concluded that the portable direct reading dust meter is capable to
provide comparable results of monitoring data as that provided by HVS, and with
the benefits of allowing prompt and direct results for the EM&A reporting.
The portable direct reading dust meter will be calibrated every year against
HVS to check the validity an accuracy of the results measured by direct reading
On the other hand, the proposed use
of existing wind data from Chek Lap Kok Wind Station operated by HKO for wind
data collection instead of setting up a separate station near the existing
station was submitted to the IEC. Agreement from the AAHK / PM and IEC’s
approval was obtained.
Measurement / Analysis
A clean laboratory with constant temperature and humidity control, and
equipped with necessary measuring and conditioning instruments, to handle the
dust samples collected, shall be available for sample analysis, and equipment
calibration and maintenance. The laboratory should be the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) accredited or other internationally
If a site laboratory is set up or a non-HOKLAS accredited laboratory is
hired for carrying out the laboratory analysis, the laboratory equipment shall
be approved by the AAHK / PM and the measurement procedures should be witnessed
by the IEC. Measurement performed by the laboratory shall be demonstrated to
the satisfaction of the AAHK / PM and the IEC. The IEC shall conduct regular
audit to the measurement performed by the laboratory to ensure the accuracy of
measurement results. The ET shall provide the AAHK / PM with one copy of the
Title 40 of the Code of Federal regulations, Chapter 1 (part 50), Appendix B
for his reference.
Filter paper of 8” X 10” shall be labelled before sampling of TSP. It
shall be a clean filter paper with no pin holes, and shall be conditioned in a
humidity controlled chamber for over 24-hour and be pre-weighed before use for
the sampling.
After sampling, the filter paper loaded with dust shall be kept in a
clean and tightly sealed plastic bag. The filter paper is then returned to the
laboratory for reconditioning in the humidity controlled chamber followed by
accurate weighing by an electronic balance with a readout down to 0.1 mg. The
balance shall be regularly calibrated against a traceable standard.
All the collected samples shall be kept in a good condition for six
months before disposal.
Monitoring Locations
Specifications as Presented in the Original EM&A Manual
Two separate air quality monitoring
locations are proposed and summarised in Table 2‑1.
The status and locations of dust sensitive receivers may change after issuing
this Manual. If such cases exist, the ET should propose updated monitoring
locations and seek agreement from EPD, and agreement from the AAHK / PM and IEC
before baseline monitoring commences.
Table 2‑1:
Construction Air Quality Monitoring Stations
ID Adopted in EIA
Monitoring Parameters
Seaview Crescent Block 1
1-hour TSP
Village house at Tin Sum
1-hour TSP
When alternative monitoring locations are proposed, the following
criteria, as far as practicable, shall be followed:
● At the site boundary or such
locations close to the major dust emission source;
● Close to the sensitive receptors;
● Take into account the prevailing
meteorological conditions.
Monitoring equipment must be positioned, sited and orientated properly.
The ET should agree with the AAHK / PM in consultation with the IEC on the
position of the samplers for the installation of the monitoring equipment. When
positioning the samplers, the following points shall be noted:
● A horizontal platform with
appropriate support to secure the samplers against gusty wind shall be
● No two samplers shall be placed less
than 2 m apart;
● The distance between the sampler and
an obstacle, such as buildings, must be at least twice the height that the
obstacle protrudes above the sampler;
● A minimum of 2 m of separation from
walls, parapets and penthouses is required for rooftop samplers;
● A minimum of 2 m separation from any
supporting structure, measured horizontally is required;
● No furnace or incinerator flue is
● Airflow around the sampler is
● The sampler is more than 20 m from
the dripline;
● Any wire fence and gate, to protect
the sampler, shall not cause any obstruction during monitoring;
● Permission must be obtained to set
up the samplers and to obtain access to the monitoring stations; and
● A secured supply of electricity is
needed to operate the samplers.
The ET may, depending on site conditions and monitoring results, decide
whether additional monitoring locations should be included or any monitoring
locations could be removed / relocated during any stage of the construction
Updated Monitoring
Based on the provisions and
requirements set out in Sections and above, a
change in monitoring location was proposed for AR1 (Block 1 at Seaview
Crescent), and agreement was obtained from the AAHK / PM and IEC and EPD.
The location of the alternative monitoring station, AR1A, is shown in Drawing No. MCL/P132/EMA/2-001.
The location of the originally proposed monitoring location AR1 is also shown
in the same drawing for easy reference. Table 2‑2
summarises the updated locations of the construction air quality monitoring
A change of the monitoring location
in both the baseline and subsequent impact monitoring for AR1 was identified
necessary as access was not granted for setting up the onsite monitoring
station. The new monitoring location AR1A is situated in close proximity
to Seaview Crescent and it is also considered to be a representative location
for monitoring the construction phase air quality impact from the project.
Table 2‑2:
Updated Locations of Construction Air Quality Monitoring Stations
ID Adopted in EIA
Monitoring Parameters
Man Tung Road Park
1-hour TSP
Village house at Tin Sum
1-hour TSP
Note: (1) alternative air quality monitoring
2.1.6 Baseline Monitoring
Baseline monitoring should be conducted at all designated monitoring
locations, see Table
2‑1, for at least 14 consecutive days
before commencement of construction work to obtain ambient 1‑hour TSP
samples. The commencement date of baseline monitoring shall be agreed between
the ET / IEC / AAHK / PM to ensure timely submission of the baseline monitoring
report to EPD. The selected baseline monitoring stations should reflect
baseline conditions at the stations. One-hour TSP sampling shall also be done
at least three times per day. The baseline monitoring will provide data for the
determination of the appropriate Action Levels with the Limit Levels set
against statutory or otherwise agreed limits. General meteorological conditions
(wind speed, wind direction and precipitation) and notes regarding any
significant adjacent dust producing sources should also be recorded throughout
the baseline monitoring period.
Before commencing the baseline monitoring, the ET shall inform the IEC
of the baseline monitoring programme such that the IEC can conduct on-site
audit to ensure accuracy of the baseline monitoring results. During the
baseline monitoring, there should not be any construction dust generating
activities in the vicinity of the monitoring stations.
In case the baseline monitoring cannot be carried out at the designated
monitoring locations during the baseline monitoring period, the ET shall carry
out the monitoring at alternative locations that can effectively represent the
baseline conditions at the impact monitoring locations. The alternative
baseline monitoring locations should be approved by the AAHK / PM and agreed
with the IEC.
In exceptional cases, when insufficient baseline monitoring data or
questionable results are obtained, the ET should liaise with the IEC and EPD to
agree on an appropriate set of data to be used as baseline reference and submit
to EPD for approval.
Ambient conditions may vary seasonally and should be reviewed once every
six months. If the ET considers that significant changes in the ambient
conditions have risen, a repeat of the baseline monitoring may be carried out
to update the baseline levels and air quality criteria after consultation and
agreement with the AAHK / PM, IEC and EPD. The monitoring should be undertaken
at times when Contractor’s activities are not generating dust, at least in the
proximity of the monitoring stations. Should change in ambient conditions be
determined, the baseline levels and, in turn, the air quality criteria, shall
be revised. The revised baseline levels and air quality criteria shall be
agreed with the IEC and EPD. If the ET considers that significant changes
in the ambient conditions have risen but a repeat of the 14-day baseline
monitoring is not found feasible due to the presence of ongoing construction
work, the ET may propose an alternative method for updating the baseline levels
and air quality criteria but this shall be subject to the agreement with the
IEC and EPD.
2.1.7 Impact Monitoring
The monthly schedule of the compliance and impact monitoring programme
should be drawn up by the ET one month prior to the commencement of the
scheduled construction period.
The ET should carry out impact monitoring throughout the entire course
of the Works. For 1-hour TSP monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least
three times in every six days should be undertaken when the highest dust impact
is expected to occur. Highest dust impacts will be determined by the actual
construction site condition, program and the works to be carried out. Before
commencing the impact monitoring, the ET should inform the IEC of the impact
monitoring programme such that the IEC can conduct on-site audit to ensure accuracy
of the impact monitoring results.
In case of non-compliance with the air quality criteria, more frequent
monitoring exercise, as specified in the Event and Action Plan, should be
conducted within 24 hours after the result is obtained. This additional
monitoring shall be continued until the excessive dust emission or the
deterioration in air quality is rectified.
2.1.8 Event and Action Plan
Baseline 1-hour TSP monitoring was conducted for 14 consecutive days
between 6 November 2015 and 27 November 2015 at two air quality monitoring
stations of AR1A and AR2. The Action Levels for 1-hr TSP during impact
monitoring are established based on the measured baseline TSP levels for
assessing the impact and compliance during the construction of the project. Table 2‑3 shows the air quality criteria, namely Action Level (AL)
and Limit Level (LL) to be used. Should non-compliance of the air quality
criteria occurs, actions in accordance with the Event and Action Plan in Table 2‑4 should
be carried out.
Table 2‑3:
Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality
Action Level [1]
Limit Level (µg/m3)
1-hour TSP Level in µg/m3
For baseline level ≤ 384 µg/m3,
Action Level = (130% of baseline level + Limit Level)/2
For baseline level ˃ 384 µg/m3, Action
Level = Limit Level
[1] According to the latest submission of
Baseline Monitoring Report approved by EPD, the Action Levels for AR1A and AR2
are 306 µg/m3 and 298 µg/m3 respectively.
Table 2‑4:
Event and Action Plan for Air Quality
Action Level
1. Exceedance for one sample
1. Identify source, investigate the causes of
exceedance and propose remedial measures;
2. Inform IEC and AAHK / PM;
3. Repeat measurement to confirm finding;
4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily.
1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET;
2. Check Contractor’s working method.
1. Notify Contractor.
1. Rectify any unacceptable practice;
2. Amend working methods if appropriate.
2. Exceedance for two or more consecutive samples
1. Identify source;
2. Inform IEC and AAHK / PM;
3. Advise the AAHK / PM on the effectiveness of the
proposed remedial measures;
4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily;
5. Discuss with IEC and Contractor on remedial actions
6. If exceedance continues, arrange meeting with IEC
and AAHK / PM
7. If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring.
1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET;
2. Check Contractor’s working method
3. Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial
4. Advise AAHK / PM on the effectiveness of the
proposed remedial measures;
5. Supervisor implementation of remedial measures.
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in
2. Notify Contractor;
3. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented.
1. Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within
three working days of notification;
2. Implement the agreed proposals;
3. Amend proposal if appropriate.
Limit Level
1. Exceedance for one sample
1. Identify the source, investigate the causes of
exceedance and propose remedial measures;
2. Inform AAHK / PM and Contractor. If the exceedance
is valid, inform EPD;
3. Repeat measurement to confirm finding;
4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily;
5. Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial
actions and keep AAHK / PM, IEC and EPD informed of the results.
1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET;
2. Check Contractor’s working method;
3. Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial
4. Advise AAHK / PM on the effectiveness of the
proposed remedial measures;
5. Monitor the implementation of remedial measures.
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in
2. Notify Contractor;
3. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented.
1. Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance;
2. Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within
three working days of notification;
3. Implement the agreed proposals;
4. Amend proposal if appropriate.
2. Exceedance for two or more consecutive sample
1. Notify AAHK / PM, IEC, Contractor and EPD;
2. Identify source;
3. Repeat measurement to confirm finding;
4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily;
5. Carry out analysis of Contractor’s working
procedures to determine possible mitigation to be implemented;
6. Arrange meeting with AAHK / PM and IEC to discuss
the remedial actions to be taken;
7. Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial
actions and keep AAHK / PM, IEC and EPD informed of the results;
8. If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring.
1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET;
2. Check Contractor’s working method;
3. Discuss amongst AAHK / PM, ET, and Contractor on
the potential remedial actions;
4. Review Contractor’s remedial actions whenever
necessary to assure their effectiveness and advise AAHK / PM accordingly;
5. Monitor the implementation of remedial measures.
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in
2. Notify Contractor;
3. In consultation with IEC, agree with the Contractor
on the remedial measures to be implemented;
4. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented;
5. If exceedance continues, consider what portion of
the work is responsible and instruct the Contractor to stop that portion of
work until the exceedance is abated.
1. Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance;
2. Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within
three working days of notification;
3. Implement the agreed proposals;
4. Resubmit proposals if problem still not under
5. Stop the relevant portion of works as determined by
AAHK / PM until the exceedance is abated.
2.1.9 Mitigation Measures
Appropriate dust suppression measures should be adopted as required under
the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation as well as the
Specified Process licences for the concrete batching plants, asphalt batching
plants and rock crushing plant. A control programme can be instigated to
monitor the construction process in order to enforce dust controls and modify
methods of works where feasible to reduce the dust emission down to acceptable
levels. The implementation schedule of the recommended air quality mitigation
measures is presented in Appendix
Operational Air Quality Monitoring
2.2.1 General
The operational air quality impact
assessment presented as part of the EIA Report has concluded that the operation
of the project will not give rise to adverse residual air quality
impacts. The assessment findings for Year 2031 3RS scenario indicated
that cumulative NO2, RSP, FSP, SO2 and CO levels comply
with the relevant AQOs at all ASR. Nevertheless, to be prudent, it is proposed
that AAHK should carry out regular reviews of the operation phase air quality
monitoring results and relevant operation data in order to:
● Monitor the variations in pollutant
concentrations and compare these with the operation air quality assessment
results presented in the EIA Report;
● Determine the effectiveness of
AAHK’s measures and initiatives aimed at further reducing air pollutant
emissions from airport activities and operations; and
● Identify follow-up actions and / or
further investigation that may be undertaken where necessary with a view to
further reducing air emissions associated with the operation of the
2.2.2 Regular Review of Air Quality
Monitoring Results
Existing Air
Quality Monitoring Stations
While the establishment of additional air quality monitoring station was
not identified necessary, the EIA Report recommended that the current airport
air quality monitoring stations shall be maintained. These include three
air quality monitoring stations (AQMSs) operated by AAHK, with one at Sha Chau
(SC) and two on the existing airport island, namely the North Station (PH1) and
South Station (PH5), as shown in Drawing No.
MCL/P132/EMA/2-002. The AQMS at
Tung Chung (TC) operated by EPD is also shown in the drawing.
The PH1 and PH5 stations are
positioned on the airport island close to the existing north runway (or the
future middle runway after the airport expansion) and the existing south runway
respectively; the SC station is over 2.8 km to the north of the expanded
airport island; while the TC station is located on the southeast side of the
airport island. This network of existing AQMSs is considered to be able to
provide representative monitoring data on the air quality on the expanded
airport island and its surrounding areas. Therefore, the AQMSs currently
operated by AAHK are to be maintained and the monitoring data obtained from
these stations should be used, together with that from the TC AQMS operated by
EPD, for regular reviews of the operation phase air quality.
Table 2-5 summaries the existing AQMSs operated by AAHK.
Table 2-5:
Operational Air Quality Monitoring
Station ID
Station Name
Operated by
Monitoring Parameters
Sha Chau
Sha Chau
Airport Authority
Conc. of NO2, RSP, FSP, O3, SO2
and CO reported on hourly basis
North Station
Existing airport island
Airport Authority
Conc. of NO2, RSP, FSP, O3, SO2
and CO reported on hourly basis
South Station
Existing airport island
Airport Authority
Conc. of NO2, RSP, FSP, O3, SO2
and CO reported on hourly basis
Existing Monitoring
Equipment The existing monitoring equipment of NO2,
RSP, FSP, O3, SO2 and CO at the three AQMSs operated by
AAHK are summarised in Table 2-6. As the equipment may
be replaced due to certain period of utilisation, the monitoring equipment
shall be reviewed by the ET prior to the monitoring during operational phase of
the project.
The Existing Monitoring Equipment Adopted at South Station, North Station and
Sha Chau Station
Adopted Technique
Existing monitoring equipment
Gas Phase Chemiluminescence
Ecotech EC9841B / Thermo Scientific 42i
Drawing air through a filter at a constant rate,
continuously weighing the filter and calculating near real-time mass
TEOM 1405DF Ambient Particulate Monitor
Non-dispersive ultraviolet (UV) photometer
Thermo Scientific 49i/ Ecotech EC9810B
Ultraviolet Flourescence
Thermo Scientific 43i/ Ecotech EC9850B
Gas Filter Correlation photometry
Thermo Scientific 48i/ Ecotech EC9830B
Selection of Air Quality Parameters for Review
NOx is the key air pollutant
associated with airport operations. The source contribution breakdown for the
cumulative annual average NO2 impact at the key sensitive areas
under the 3RS scenario in the worst assessment year of 2031 presented in Table
5.5.2 of the EIA Report are reproduced in Table 2-7 below.
The dominant emission sources were identified to be from ambient emissions,
which contributed in most cases more than 60% of the total NO2
concentrations. This is followed by proximity infrastructure emissions
(10 – 30%) and airport-related emissions (< 10%), except for Sha Lo Wan.
Table 2-7:
Concentration Breakdown for the Cumulative Annual NO2 Impact at the
Key Sensitive Area under the 3RS scenario in Year 2031
Airport Related Emission (µg/ m3)
Proximity Infrastructure Emission (µg/ m3)
Ambient (µg/ m3)
Cumulative Impact (µg/ m3)
Tung Chung
Tung Chung West
Tung Chung East
Sha Lo Wan
Tuen Mun[1]
2 [1]
[1] Airport related
emission is included in ambient in PATH model for Tuen Mun area
Based on the operational air quality
assessment findings presented in the EIA Report, NO2 is considered
as the key parameter for which the available monitoring data obtained at AAHK’s
AQMSs together with that obtained at EPD’s AQMS in TC should be regularly
reviewed during the operation phase of the project. The regular review shall
also analyse and present the measured NO and NOx concentrations for
estimating the pollutant contribution due to airport operations. To be prudent,
available monitoring data on RSP and FSP should also be included in the regular
Frequency of Review
It is recommended that the first
review of NO2, RSP and FSP monitoring results should be carried out
after the first year of operation of 3RS. Regular review should then be carried
out at regular interval of at least every five years during the first 20 years
of operation of the project. The frequency of the reviews may be subject to
changes depending on the review results.
Operational Phase Air Quality Monitoring and Audit
During the regular review of NO2,
RSP and FSP monitoring results, a detailed examination of the temporal and
spatial variations of pollutant levels measured at AAHK’s AQMSs shall be
presented and the analysis shall also take into consideration the available
monitoring data obtained at EPD’s AQMS in TC. With consideration of the
available data including those on meteorological conditions (i.e., wind
direction, wind speed, temperature, precipitation, etc), the review shall
characterise the mean seasonal and diurnal variation of pollutant concentrations,
with a view to evaluating the significance of the contribution of air quality
impact from airport emissions on the nearby air sensitive receivers. Also, the
regular review shall include the compilation of an updated inventory of major
emission sources, including emissions from aircraft landing take-off (LTO)
cycle, associated with the airport operations. AAHK shall collect the relevant
information for development of the latest airport emissions inventory as part
of the review.
As part of the regular review, the
effectiveness of existing measures and initiatives implemented by AAHK aimed at
further reducing air pollutant emissions from airport operation shall also be
evaluated. Follow-up actions and/or further investigation work that may
be undertaken where necessary with a view to further reducing air emissions
associated with the operation of the project should be recommended as part of
the regular review.
The detailed air quality monitoring
and auditing requirements should be presented as part of the Airport Operation
related Emissions Control Plan that shall be submitted no later than 3 months
before the operation of the project in accordance to EP Condition 2.24.
Hazard to Human Life
A hazard identification workshop has been conducted in the EIA Report to
identify potential hazards associated with the construction and operation phase
of the project. Mitigation measures have also been explored to prevent the hazards
from happening and they will be implemented in the project.
A hazard assessment has been
conducted in the EIA Report which concluded that the risk level for the
construction phase is within the acceptable region and mitigation measure is
not required. The risk level for the operation phase has been evaluated to be
in As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) region and the major risk
contributor is aircraft refuelling operation. Practicable and cost effective
mitigations have been proposed to reduce the risk of aircraft refuelling
The recommended measures as outlined in the Implementation Schedule
included as Appendix
C in this EM&A Manual should be
implemented to meet the Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment
Process (EIAO-TM) requirements.
Noise Impact
4.1 Aircraft Noise Monitoring
4.1.1 Aircraft Noise Monitoring and Audit
As per the requirements set out in
Section 7, Appendix C of the EIA Study Brief, the aircraft noise monitoring and
audit plan shall:
● Provide data and information for
verifying predictions on the effectiveness of measures to mitigate aircraft
noise impact of the project;
● Formulate audit requirements,
including any necessary compliance and post-project audit program, in order to
review the monitoring data and identify any remedial works, as necessary,
required to address unacceptable or unanticipated aircraft noise impacts; and
● Provide tools, procedures and
supplementary information, including noise descriptor and flight tracks, which
are useful and relevant for communicating the aircraft noise of the project to
the general public.
The Procedures for Mitigation of
Aircraft Noise that shall be submitted no later than 3 months before the
operation of the project in accordance to EP Condition 2.21.
4.1.2 Program Elements
Taking into account the EIA Study
Brief requirements as described above, it is proposed that the aircraft noise
monitoring and audit plan should consist of the following key elements:
● An exercise by AAHK to verify
predictions on the effectiveness of measures to mitigate aircraft noise impact
and the preparation of a Prediction Verification Report;
● Review Report, prepared on an annual
basis by AAHK, for detailing the compliance with noise abatement procedures and
unanticipated events, as well as any further necessary investigation and/or
remedial action(s); and
● Noise Contour Report, prepared in at
least every five years by AAHK, to compare actual airport operation to forecast
airport operation with respect to aircraft noise, taking into account data
collected on actual aircraft operational levels, fleet mix, runway and flight
track utilizations; and produce an updated noise contour using the most
currently available and internationally accepted noise modelling methodology.
In additional to the above reporting
requirements, AAHK shall continue to engage with the neighbouring communities
in the vicinity of HKIA, other stakeholders and interested parties on aircraft
noise issues associated with the operation of the project.
4.1.3 Prediction Verification
The purpose of this task is for
verification of predictions on the effectiveness of measures to mitigate
aircraft noise impact of the project. This verification exercise shall be
undertaken upon availability of relevant airport operation data for the first
full year operation of the third runway of the project. A Prediction
Verification Report, certified by the ETL and verified by the IEC, shall be
submitted to EPD for approval.
As part of the prediction
verification exercise, AAHK should collect radar data showing airport and
flight operations for the first full year operation of the proposed third
runway from Civil Aviation Department (CAD). Based on the radar data
collected, the AAHK should carry out aircraft noise contour simulation.
Similar approach adopted to process radar data for the prevailing scenario contour
as presented in Chapter 7 of the EIA Report might be applied (individual radar
data be pre-processed and annual daily average noise contours be produced by
Integrated Noise Model (INM) for daily results) and the detailed methodology
shall be agreed with EPD. The computational model to be used shall also
be agreed with EPD prior to the analysis.
The Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF) 25
contour prepared based on radar data should be compared against the noise
contours presented in Chapter 7 of the EIA Report for verifying the
effectiveness of measures to mitigate the aircraft noise impact of the
project. If the comparison of contours shows a reasonable converge, this
would imply the aircraft noise prediction by computer simulation with forecast,
assumptions and proposal of mitigation measures would reliably reflect that by
actual airport and flight operations. In case discrepancies are observed,
explanation shall be given and analysed as part of the Prediction Verification
It shall be noted that the noise
contours presented in Chapter 7 of the EIA Report are based on reasonable
assumptions and input data including air traffic forecast, runway mode of
operation, flight tracks and flight track utilisation, and proposed mitigation
measures. Therefore, whilst it is being compared with the one generated
by actual airport and flight operations, variances within reasonable ranges are
envisaged and considered acceptable. Having said that, it is essential to
ensure that with the mitigation measures recommended in the EIA Report, no
additional noise sensitive receivers should be subject to adverse environmental
impact under the requirements of the EIAO-TM. Detailed examination should
be followed especially for those areas with major variances and the underneath
rationale(s) will be elaborated.
4.1.4 Review Report
The Review Report, prepared on an
annual basis by AAHK shall include an analysis of how well aircraft flight
follow each of the aircraft noise mitigation measures recommended in Chapter 7
of the EIA Report. Information to be collected shall include available
radar data showing airport and flight operations from CAD, and this is to be
analysed in terms of flight tracks and runway utilisation for checking the
effective implementation of the noise reduction measures. AAHK may make
references to available operational noise data collated by the relevant
authorities. Wind record in the year should also be collected from HKO.
The Review Report should review the data collected including measured noise
levels at representative locations, statistics of flight tracks, flight tracks
dispersion and aircraft using proposed mitigation measures and existing noise
mitigation measures, etc.
The annual review and reporting process
will allow AAHK to measure exactly how it stands compared to predicted
operations used in the preparation of the EIA Report. If there are any major
variances / discrepancies / abnormalities that are observed during the ongoing
process of data collection and analysis for preparation of the annual review
when compared with the assumptions / measures adopted in the assessment, early
investigation shall be carried out for identification of the possible causes of
the variances / discrepancies / abnormalities and whether these would
significantly affect the aircraft noise environment.
4.1.5 Noise Contour Report
As the aircraft noise impact
assessment was undertaken on the basis of projected air traffic movements and
estimated fleet mix, it is recommended that at regular intervals of at least
every five years during the first 20 operational years of the project, actual
flight data obtained from local Air Traffic Control radar systems should be
acquired and analysed with a similar aircraft noise modelling methodology to
confirm the representativeness of the earlier noise analyses. The first Noise
Contour Report shall be prepared upon availability of the airport operation
data for the first full year operation of the third runway of the project. In
accordance with the requirements set out in Condition 2.22 of the EP, an
updated NEF 25 contour shall also be submitted no later than 3 months after a
full year of operation of the 3RS project. Similar approach adopted to process
radar data for prevailing scenario contour might be applied and the detailed
methodology shall be agreed with EPD.
At such time that it is determined
that the noise contours obtained using actual airport data may start to
encroach onto any additional noise sensitive receivers, or when it is
considered that there are major deviations from the assumptions adopted in the
EIA Report, additional analysis would be necessary to update the NEF 25
contour. The need and feasibility of introducing additional mitigation
measures should also be assessed to ensure that no adverse environmental impact
would be resulted from the implementation of the project with respect to
aircraft noise.
4.1.6 Community Liaison
AAHK has been actively engaging with
neighbouring communities in the vicinity of the airport, other stakeholders
groups and interested parties to communicate issues and gauge views on aircraft
noise and other environmental aspects. Briefings and airport visits are
organised to explain subjects including but not limited to flight paths under
the planned 3RS and the proposed aircraft noise mitigation measures. These
engagement activities will continue after commencement of the project and a
community liaison plan that presents details of the planned programme,
including proposed communication channels, tools, procedures and supplementary
information, including noise descriptor and flight tracks in accordance with
Section 7.3, Appendix C of the Study Brief and activities that would facilitate
communications with stakeholders on aircraft noise issues, will be developed by
AAHK as part of the detailed Aircraft Noise Monitoring and Audit Plan presented
in Section 4.1.7 below.
4.1.7 Detailed Aircraft Noise Monitoring
and Audit Plan
The above subsections set out a clear
EM&A framework with respect to aircraft noise. It is not yet mature
to define all the monitoring and audit details as at the course of assessment
whilst the EM&A task will only be started with operation commencement of
the third runway of the project because computation model and data analysis
tools are in rapid evolution nowadays.
Prior to commencement of project operation,
a detailed Aircraft Noise Monitoring and Audit (ANM&A) Plan, proposing (i)
work programme; (ii) actual data collection; (iii) methodologies / procedures,
including proposed computation model, to process data into indicators of
measures / assumptions adopted; (iv) quality control and assurance procedure;
(v) action / investigation plan if any non-compliance, including associated
Action and Limit Levels; (vi) community liaison plan; (vii) relevant proforma
forming part of the reports; (viii) any foreseeable uncertainties, etc, should
be submitted to EPD for agreement.
In accordance with the requirements
set out in EP Condition 2.23, the ANM&A Plan shall include information on
aircraft noise monitoring at representative locations in Tung Chung, Ma Wan,
Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan, Ting Kau, Siu Lam and Tuen Mun. The ANM&A Plan shall
make use of available aircraft noise and flight track monitoring data including
measured noise levels in terms of dB(A) and their distribution, flight tracks, aircraft
fleet mix data and other relevant information at the above-mentioned locations.
The ANM&A Plan shall also include an action plan, as approved by
Director-General of Civil Aviation, to review the noise data to assess the
effectiveness of the mitigation measures and to take appropriate action with
reference to the prevailing internationally recognised standards in aircraft
noise mitigation.
Before submission to the Director of
Environmental Protection for approval, the ANM&A Plan shall be certified by
the ETL and verified by the IEC as conforming to the information and
recommendations described in the EIA Report, and taking into account any
specific requirements with respect to the latest in-situ conditions of the
When developing the detailed plan,
references should be made to relevant international guidelines such as SAE
ARP4721 Part 1 – Monitoring Aircraft Noise and Operations in the Vicinity of
Airports: System Description, Acquisition, and Operation, if applicable, for
the purpose of review and describe the project operation. The latest monitoring
and audit practice / presentation adopted by similar international airports
should be reviewed and reference during the course of preparation of this
detailed plan.
Noise Sources Monitoring
4.2.1 Maximum Permissible Sound Power
Levels of Fixed Plant
The maximum permissible sound power
levels of the identified fixed noise sources of the project were predicted in
the EIA Report. The specified sound power levels should be
implemented and refined by the Contractor as appropriate to ensure that the
noise impact associated with the fixed plant operations would comply with the
noise standards stipulated in the EIAO-TM and Noise Control Ordinance (NCO).
4.2.2 Commissioning Test
Prior to the operation of the
project, the Contractor should conduct noise commissioning tests for all major
fixed plant noise sources (excluding the ground noise sources associated with
the aircraft taxiing and the operation of auxiliary power units (APUs)) within
HKIA to ensure the noise emission at the fixed plant noise source comply with
the EIA Report assessed scenario. The test should be carried out by a
qualified person possessing at least seven years of noise control experience
and a corporate membership of Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics or
equivalent. The noise commissioning test report should be submitted
to the AAHK / PM, ET and IEC for approval. The ET and IEC should review design
changes to ensure the cumulative noise impact from fixed noise sources comply
with the EIA Report assessed scenario.
Noise commissioning tests are also
required for noise enclosure of aircraft engine run-up facilities. ISO 10847 –
In-situ determination of insertion loss of outdoor noise barriers of all types
shall be employed to ensure the required noise reduction (insertion loss) in
the EIA Report (at least 15 dB(A)) would be achieved. The test should be
carried out by a qualified person possessing at least seven years of noise
control experience and a corporate membership of Hong Kong Institute of
Acoustics or equivalent. The noise commissioning test report should be
submitted to the AAHK / PM, ET and IEC for approval.
No adverse noise impacts are
anticipated from aircraft taxiing and APU operation, hence no environmental
monitoring and audit is proposed.
4.2.3 Mitigation Measures
The relevant noise mitigation
measures have been recommended in the EIA Report. The implementation
schedule of the mitigation measures is given in Appendix
Airborne Noise Monitoring
4.3.1 Noise Parameter
The construction noise level should be measured in terms of the
A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq). Leq(30
minutes) should be used as the monitoring parameter for the time period
between 0700-1900 hours on normal weekdays. For all other time periods, a
Construction Noise Permit (CNP) under the NCO would apply.
As supplementary information for data auditing, statistical results such
as L10 and L90 should also be obtained for reference. A
sample data record sheet based on the one presented in the “EM&A Guidelines
for Development Projects in Hong Kong” is shown in Appendix
B for reference.
4.3.2 Monitoring Equipment
As referred to in the Technical Memorandum (TM) issued under the NCO,
sound level meters in compliance with the International Electrotechnical
Commission Publications 651:1979 (Type 1) and 804:1985 (Type 1) specifications should
be used for carrying out the noise monitoring. Immediately prior to and
following each noise measurement the accuracy of the sound level meter should
be checked using an acoustic calibrator generating a known sound pressure level
at a known frequency. Measurements may be accepted as valid only if the
calibration level from before and after the noise measurement agrees to within
1.0 dB.
Noise measurements should be made in accordance with standard acoustical
principles and practices in relation to weather conditions. Handheld wind meter should be used for measuring and
checking the wind speed (in m/s) during the noise monitoring.
The ET is responsible for the
availability of monitoring equipment and should ensure that sufficient noise
measuring equipment and associated instrumentation are available for carrying
out the baseline monitoring, regular impact monitoring and ad hoc monitoring.
All the equipment and associated instrumentation should be clearly labelled.
4.3.3 Monitoring Locations
The noise monitoring locations are
summarised in Table 4‑1. The status and
locations of noise sensitive receivers may change after issuing this manual. If
such case exists, the ET should propose updated monitoring locations and seek
approval from the AAHK / PM and agreement from the IEC and EPD of the proposal.
Table 4‑1:
Construction Noise Monitoring Stations
ID adopted in EIA
Seaview Crescent Block 1
Tung Chung West Development (Monitoring to start after
occupation of development in 2023/24, subject to the construction programme
of the project)
Ho Yu College
Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Primary School
House, Tin Sum
House No. 1, Sha Lo Wan
When alternative monitoring locations are proposed, the monitoring
locations should be chosen based on the following criteria:
● Monitoring at sensitive receivers close
to the major site activities which are likely to have noise impacts;
● Monitoring at the noise sensitive
receivers as defined in the Technical Memorandum; and
● Assurance of minimal disturbance to
the occupants during monitoring. The monitoring station should normally be at a point 1
m from the exterior of the sensitive receivers building facade and be at
position 1.2 m above the ground. If there is a problem with access to the
normal monitoring position, an alternative position may be chosen, and a
correction to the measurements should be made. For reference, a correction of
+3 dB(A) should be made to the free field measurements. The ET should agree
with the IEC on the monitoring position and the corrections adopted. Once the positions
for the monitoring stations are chosen, the baseline monitoring and the impact
monitoring should be carried out at the same positions.
Updated Monitoring
Based on the provisions and requirements
set out in Sections and above, a change in
monitoring location was proposed for NM1, NM2 and NM3. Agreement from the
AAHK / PM, IEC and EPD’s approval were obtained for the changes. The locations
of the alternative monitoring stations, including NM1A, NM2* and NM3A, are
shown in Drawing No.
MCL/P132/EMA/4-001. The locations of the originally proposed monitoring
locations (NM1, NM2 and NM3) are also shown in the same drawing for easy
reference. Table 4‑2 summarises the updated
locations of the construction noise monitoring stations.
The noise monitoring location in both
the baseline and subsequent impact monitoring for NM1 was changed to NM1A as
access to NM1 was not granted for setting up an onsite monitoring station.
The noise monitoring location in both
the baseline and subsequent impact monitoring for NM3 was changed to NM3A also
as access to NM3 was not granted for setting up an onsite monitoring station.
Moreover, when construction works of Tung Chung East Development near NM3A is
in place, the monitoring will be temporary suspended with duration subjected to
the programme of the development works and actual site conditions, and will be
resumed when the development works is completed. Actual arrangement of this
station will be reflected in relevant Monthly EM&A Reports. Baseline noise monitoring at NM2 was undertaken at
NM2* as Tung Chung West Development had not yet been constructed. When the
future residential buildings in Tung Chung West Development become occupied,
the impact monitoring would be carried out at a representative location with
noise sensitive land uses and the exact location will be proposed by the ET for
agreement with the IEC and EPD prior to commencement of the impact monitoring.
Table 4‑2:
Construction Noise Monitoring Stations
ID adopted in EIA
Man Tung Road Park
NM2*(1) / NM2
Tung Chung Battery* /
Tung Chung West Development (Monitoring to start after
occupation of development in 2023/24, subject to the construction programme
of the project)
Site Office at the northern edge of the reclaimed land
(Monitoring to be temporarily suspended during
construction works of Tung Chung East Development subject to programme of the
works and actual site conditions)
Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Primary School
House, Tin Sum
House No. 1, Sha Lo Wan
Note: (1)
alternative noise monitoring location
4.3.4 Baseline Monitoring
The ET should carry out baseline noise monitoring prior to the
commencement of the project-related construction activities. The baseline
monitoring should be carried out daily for a period of at least two weeks. The
commencement date of baseline monitoring shall be agreed between the ET / IEC /
AAHK / PM to ensure timely submission of the baseline monitoring report to EPD.
Before commencing the baseline monitoring, the ET should develop and submit to
the IEC the baseline monitoring programme such that the IEC can conduct on-site
audit to check accuracy of the baseline monitoring results.
There should not be any construction activities in the vicinity of the
stations during the baseline monitoring.
In exceptional cases, when insufficient baseline monitoring data or
questionable results are obtained, the ET should liaise with the AAHK / PM, IEC
and EPD to agree on an appropriate set of data to be used as a baseline
reference and submit to the AAHK / PM and IEC for agreement and EPD for
4.3.5 Impact Monitoring
Noise monitoring should be carried out at all the designated monitoring
stations when there are project-related construction activities undertaken. The
monitoring frequency should depend on the scale of the construction activities.
The following is an initial guide on the regular monitoring frequency for each
station on a weekly basis when noise generating activities are underway:
● One set of measurements between
0700-1900 hours on normal weekdays.
If construction works are extended to include works during the hours of
1900-0700 as well as public holidays and Sundays, additional impact monitoring
(including monitoring locations) during respective periods of restricted hours
should be subject to the CNP requirements by EPD. Applicable permits under NCO
should also be obtained by the Contractor.
For schools located near the HKIA
(e.g. NM4), noise monitoring should be carried out at the monitoring stations
for the schools during the school examination periods. The ET should liaise
with the school’s personnel and the Examination Authority to ascertain the
exact dates and times of all examination periods during the course of the
In case of non-compliance with the construction noise criteria, more
frequent monitoring, as specified in the Event and Action Plan in Table 4‑4, should be carried out. This additional monitoring
should be continued until the recorded noise levels are rectified or proved to
be irrelevant to the construction activities.
4.3.6 Event and Action Plan for Noise
The Action and Limit Levels for construction noise are defined in Table 4‑3. Should non-compliance of the criteria occur, action in
accordance with the Event and Action Plan in Table 4‑4, should be carried out.
Table 4‑3:
Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise
Time Period
0700-1900 hours on normal weekdays
When one valid documented complaint is received.
75* dB(A)
* reduce to 70 dB(A) for schools and 65 dB(A) during school examination
Table 4‑4: Event and Action Plan
for Construction Noise
Action Level
1. Notify AAHK / PM, IEC and Contractor;
2. Carry out investigation;
3. Report the results of investigation to the AAHK /
PM, IEC and Contractor;
4. Discuss with IEC and Contractor on remedial
measures required;
5. Increase monitoring frequency to check mitigation
1. Review the investigation results submitted by the
2. Review the proposed remedial measures by the
Contractor and advise the AAHK / PM accordingly;
3. Advise AAHK / PM on the effectiveness of the
proposed remedial measures.
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in
2. Notify Contractor;
3. In consolidation with IEC, agree with the
Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented;
4. Supervise the implementation of remedial measures.
1. Submit noise mitigation proposals to AAHK / PM and
2. Implement noise mitigation proposals.
Limit Level
1. Inform AAHK / PM, IEC and Contractor;
2. Repeat measurements to confirm findings;
3. Inform EPD after confirming the validity of
4. Increase monitoring frequency;
5. Identify source and investigate the cause of
6. Carry out analysis of Contractor’s working
7. Discus with AAHK / PM, IEC and Contractor on
remedial measures required;
8. Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial
actions and keep AAHK / PM, IEC and EPD informed of the results;
9. If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring.
1. Discuss amongst AAHK / PM, ET and Contractor on the
potential remedial actions;
2. Review contractor’s remedial actions whenever
necessary to assure their effectiveness and advise AAHK / PM accordingly.
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in
2. Notify Contractor;
3. In consolidation with IEC, agree with the
Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented;
4. Supervise the implementation of remedial measures;
5. If exceedance continues, consider stopping the
Contractor to continue working on that portion of work which causes the
exceedance until the exceedance is abated.
1. Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance;
2. Submit proposals for remedial actions to AAHK / PM
and IEC within three working days of notification;
3. Implement the agreed proposals;
4. Submit further proposal if problem still not under
5. Stop the relevant portion of works as instructed by
AAHK / PM until the exceedance is abated.
4.3.7 Mitigation Measures
Recommended construction noise control and mitigation measures are
proposed in the EIA Report. The Contractor should be responsible for the design
and implementation of these measures under the supervision of the AAHK / PM and
be monitored by the ET. The implementation schedule of the recommended noise
mitigation measures is presented in Appendix
4.4 Road Traffic and Marine Traffic Noise Monitoring
No adverse road or marine traffic
noise impacts are anticipated from operation of the project, hence no
environmental monitoring and audit is proposed.
Water Quality Impact
5.1 Construction Water Quality
5.1.1 Introduction
The main potential water quality
impact during construction phase is the release of suspended solids (SS) during
land formation. Water jetting and field joint excavation works for the
submarine cable diversion may also generate some SS release. Environmental
monitoring for these marine works are described in Section 5.1.8.
The potential risk of contaminants
released from pore water during ground improvement via deep cement mixing (DCM)
within the contaminated mud pit areas has also been identified as a concern.
While the results of the water quality impact assessment suggests that
potential contaminant release from pore water would be insignificant, it is
recognised that full scale ground improvement works over the completed and
capped contaminated mud pits (CMPs) have not previously been implemented in
Hong Kong. Therefore, specific environmental monitoring for the initial DCM
activities are included as part of the EM&A requirements and are described
in Section 5.1.9.
5.1.2 Water Quality Parameters
Monitoring of Dissolved Oxygen (DO),
Dissolved Oxygen Saturation (DO%), pH, temperature, turbidity, salinity, and SS
should be undertaken at all designated monitoring locations. Current speed and
direction should also be measured at all monitoring locations except for
sensitive receivers that are enclosed or surrounded by silt curtains (namely
SR1A and SR8).
For monitoring of DCM works, there
will be an initial intensive monitoring of DO, DO%, pH, temperature, turbidity,
salinity, total alkalinity, SS, heavy metals and nutrients at designated
DCM-specific monitoring stations. Thereafter, total alkalinity and two
representative heavy metals will be monitored at the general monitoring
The general and DCM-specific
monitoring locations are described in Section 5.1.5. All parameters
should be measured in-situ while total alkalinity should be measured on-site
and SS, heavy metals and nutrients which should be determined by laboratory. DO
should be presented in mg/L and in % saturation.
Other relevant data should also be
recorded, including monitoring location, time, tidal stages, weather
conditions, sea conditions and any special phenomena and work underway at the
construction site.
Sampling Procedures and Monitoring Equipment Water samples for all monitoring parameters should be
collected, stored, preserved and analysed according to the Standard
Methods, APHA 22nd ed. and/or other methods as agreed by the EPD.
In-situ measurements at monitoring locations including temperature, DO,
turbidity, pH, salinity and water depth should be collected by equipment with
the characteristics and functions listed in the following sections. Sample data record sheets based on the one presented
in the “EM&A Guidelines for Development Projects in Hong Kong” are shown in
B for reference. The following monitoring equipment and facilities
should be provided by the ET.
Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature
Measuring Equipment
The instrument should be portable and
weatherproof using a DC power source. It should have a membrane electrode with
automatic temperature compensation complete with a cable. The equipment should
be capable of measuring:
● A dissolved oxygen level in the
range of 0-20 mg/L and 0-200 % saturation; and
● A temperature of 0-45 degree Celsius with a capability of measuring to ±0.1 degree Celsius
pH Measuring Equipment
A portable pH meter capable of
measuring a range between 0.0 and 14.0 should be provided to measure pH under
the specified conditions according to the Standard Methods, APHA.
Turbidity Measurement
The instrument should be portable and
weatherproof using a DC power source. It should have a photoelectric sensor
capable of measuring turbidity between 0-1000 NTU.
Salinity A portable salinometer capable of measuring salinity
in the range of 0-40 ppt should be provided for measuring salinity of the water
at each monitoring location.
Total Alkalinity
A digital titrator capable of
dispensing 0.002ml at one single dispense should be provided to measure the
amount of sulphuric acid used in determination of total alkalinity.
Nutrient, Heavy Metals
and Suspended Solids (SS)
A water sampler comprising a
transparent PVC cylinder with a capacity of not less than two litres, and could
be effectively sealed with latex cups at both ends, should be used. The sampler
should have a positive latching system to keep it open and prevent premature
closure until released by a messenger when the sampler is at the selected water
depth (e.g. Kahlsico Water Sampler or a similar instrument approved by the AAHK
/ PM and ET).
Water samples for nutrients, heavy
metals and SS analysis should be stored in high density polythene bottles with
no preservatives added, packed in ice (cooled to 4 şC without being frozen),
and delivered to the laboratory within 24 hours of collection.
Water Depth Detector
A portable, battery-operated echo
sounder should be used for the determination of water depth at each designated
monitoring station. The unit would either be handheld or affixed to the bottom
of the work boat, if the same vessel is to be used throughout the monitoring
Positioning Device
A hand-held or boat-fixed type
digital Global Positioning System (dGPS) with way point bearing indication or
other equivalent instrument of similar accuracy should be provided and used
during monitoring to ensure the monitoring vessel is at the correct location
before taking measurements.
Calibration of In-situ Instruments
In-situ monitoring instruments for
the monitoring of temperature, DO, turbidity, pH and salinity should be
checked, calibrated and certified by a laboratory accredited under HOKLAS (or
other international accreditation scheme that is HOKLAS-equivalent) before use,
and subsequently re-calibrated at three monthly intervals throughout all stages
of the water quality monitoring. Responses of sensors and electrodes should be
checked with certified standard solutions before use.
Wet bulb calibration for the DO meter
should be carried out before commencement of monitoring and after completion of
all measurements each day. A zero check in distilled water should be performed
with the turbidity probe at least once per monitoring day. The probe should
then be calibrated with a solution of known NTU. In addition, the turbidity
probe should be calibrated at least twice per month to establish the
relationship between turbidity readings (in NTU) and levels of suspended solids
(in mg/L). Accuracy check of the digital titrator should be performed at
least once per monitoring day.
For the on-site calibration of field
equipment, the BS 1427:2009, Guide to on-site test methods for the analysis of
waters should be observed.
Sufficient stocks of spare parts
should be maintained for replacements when necessary. Backup monitoring
equipment should also be made available so that monitoring can proceed
uninterrupted even when some equipment is under maintenance, calibration etc.
5.1.4 Laboratory Measurement / Analysis Analysis of nutrients, heavy metals and SS should be
carried out in a HOKLAS laboratory (or other international accredited
laboratory that is HOKLAS-equivalent). Sufficient water samples should be
collected at the monitoring stations for carrying out the laboratory nutrients,
heavy metals and SS determination. The nutrients, heavy metals and SS
determination work should start within 24 hours after collection of the water
samples. The analysis of nutrients, heavy metals and SS should follow the
standard methods summarised in Table 5‑1.
Table 5‑1:
Laboratory Analysis for SS, Nutrients and Heavy Metals
Analytical Method
Reporting Limit
Suspended Solid (SS)
Analytical Balance
APHA 2540D
2 mg/L
Ammonia as N
APHA 4500
0.01 mg/L
Unionised ammonia (NH3)*
By calculation
By calculation
By calculation
Nitrite as N
APHA 4500
0.01 mg/L
Nitrate as N
APHA 4500
0.01 mg/L
TKN as N
APHA 4500
0.1 mg/L
Total Phosphorus
APHA 4500
0.01 mg/L
Reactive Phosphorus
APHA 4500
0.01 mg/L
Heavy Metals
Cadmium (Cd)
0.1 µg/L
Chromium (Cr)
0.2 µg/L
Copper (Cu)
0.2 µg/L
Nickel (Ni)
0.2 µg/L
Lead (Pb)
0.2 µg/L
Zinc (Zn)
1 µg/L
Arsenic (As)
1 µg/L
Silver (Ag)
0.1 µg/L
Mercury (Hg)
APHA 7470A
0.05 µg/L
* Calculation based on the
laboratory result of ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N) and in-situ measured
pH, salinity and temperature.
If in-house or non-standard methods are
proposed, details of the method verification should, if required, be submitted
to EPD. In any circumstances, the sample testing should have comprehensive
quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) programmes. The laboratory
should be prepared to demonstrate the QC programmes to EPD or their
representative if and when required.
Additional duplicate samples may be
required by EPD for inter laboratory calibration. Remaining samples after
analysis should be kept by the laboratory for three months in case repeat
analysis is required.
If a site laboratory is set up or a
non-HOKLAS and non-international accredited laboratory is hired for carrying
out the laboratory analysis, the laboratory equipment, analytical procedures,
and QC shall be approved by EPD. All the analysis shall be witnessed by
the AAHK / PM. The ETL shall provide the AAHK / PM and IEC with one copy
of the relevant chapters of the “APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater” 22nd edition and any other relevant document
for their reference.
General Monitoring Locations (during absence of the
enhanced silt curtain)
A total of 25 water quality monitoring
locations (comprising 14 impact stations, eight sensitive receiver stations and
three control stations) have been proposed for the construction and
post-construction phases. The coordinates are shown in Table
5‑2 and the locations are shown in Drawing No. MCL/P132/EMA/5-001 and MCL/P132/EMA/5-002b. The final locations and number of monitoring points
should be agreed with EPD at least two weeks before undertaking any works.
Table 5‑2:
Water Quality Monitoring Stations (baseline and impact monitoring)
Monitoring Stations
Baseline Monitoring
Impact Monitoring (excl. intensive DCM)
Construction Activities Monitored
DO, pH, Temperature,
Salinity, Turbidity, SS
General Parameters
DO, pH, Temperature,
Salinity, Turbidity, SS
DCM Parameters
Total Alkalinity, Two
Representative Heavy Metals
General Parameters
From commencement of advance
marine works (submarine 11 kV cable diversion) until completion of all marine
filling works for land formation
DCM Parameters
From commencement until
completion of all marine-based DCM works
Planned marine park / hard
corals at The Brothers / Tai Mo To
DO, pH, Temperature, Salinity, Turbidity, SS
Total Alkalinity
General Parameters
DO, pH, Temperature, Salinity, Turbidity, SS
DCM Parameters
Total Alkalinity, Two Representative Heavy Metals
General Parameters
From commencement of land formation until completion
of all marine filling works
DCM Parameters
From commencement until completion of all marine-based
DCM works
DO, pH, Temperature,
Salinity, Turbidity, SS
Total Alkalinity
General Parameters
DO, pH, Temperature,
Salinity, Turbidity, SS
DCM Parameters
Total Alkalinity, Two
Representative Heavy Metals
General Parameters
From commencement of land formation
until completion of nearest 1 km of seawall
DCM Parameters
From commencement until
completion of all marine-based DCM works
DO, pH, Temperature,
Salinity, Turbidity, SS, Total Alkalinity, Heavy metals and Nutrients
General Parameters
From commencement of land formation
until completion of nearest 1 km of seawall
DCM Parameters
From commencement until
completion of all marine-based DCM works
General Parameters
From commencement of land
formation until completion of all marine filling works
DCM Parameters
From commencement until
completion of all marine-based DCM works
Impact (for submarine 11 kV cable diversion)
Mobile station (500 m envelope of water jetting works)
General Parameters only
DO, pH, Temperature, Salinity, Turbidity, SS
General Parameters only
From commencement until completion of water jetting
Impact (for submarine 11 kV cable diversion)
Mobile station (500 m envelope of field joint
excavation works)
General Parameters only
From commencement until completion of field joint
excavation works
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao
Bridge (HZMB) Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) Seawater Intake
for cooling
DO, pH, Temperature,
Salinity, Turbidity, SS
General Parameters only
DO, pH, Temperature,
Salinity, Turbidity, SS
General Parameters only
From commencement of advance
marine works (submarine 11 kV cable diversion) until completion of all marine
filling works for land formation
(since 5 Jan 2019)
Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau
Marine Park / fishing and spawning grounds in North Lantau
Sha Lo Wan
San Tau Beach SSSI
Tai Ho Bay, Near Tai Ho
Stream SSSI
(since 8 Aug 2019)
Ma Wan Fish Culture Zone
Seawater Intake for cooling
at Hong Kong International Airport (East)