Reference No. / Project Title |
Project Description |
Applicant Organisation |
Funded Amount (HK$) |
Completion Report |
MEEF2017014A Virtopsy for characterization and documentation of injury and death caused by human interaction, in stranded Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in the Hong Kong waters* |
This application is part of a multi-year project, aiming to apply virtopsy (scanning technology) on the characterization and determination of human interaction related injuries and death in stranded Chinese White Dolphins (CWDs), and to provide supplementary information to aid conventional dissection. The world’s first multidisciplinary database model of stranded cetaceans investigation will be established for geometric comparison of patterned injuries due to human interaction, thus providing a sound scientific basis for policy and management decisions in the Hong Kong waters.
City University of Hong Kong# |
776,773 (For Year 18/19) |
MEEF2017015A Conservation Ecology of Chinese White Dolphins across the Pearl River Estuary Phase 2: Population Parameters, Demographic Structure and Habitat Requirements* |
This application is part of a multi-year project, aiming at developing a sound ecological framework for the conservation of CWD across the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) region, from Hong Kong to the western reaches of the PRE. This Project investigates CWD in the Middle and Western reaches of the PRE and, along with continuous surveys in Eastern PRE. It will cohere and compare the findings across the region to determine what constitutes the CWD population in the complex coastal habitats of the PRE and neighbouring waters.
Cetacea Research Institute Limited |
(For Year 18/19) |
MEEF2018001 Unravelling the strength behind the ecosystem resilience of Tung Chung mangrove: A high-resolution mapping of its food web |
This study will make use of isotopic and ecological approaches to provide trophic position estimate for the mangrove ecosystem in Tung Chung. A high-resolution food web model will be used to provide information to decision-makers regarding the health and functionality of the mangrove ecosystem. The study results will be important for providing suitable conservation and management practices for the mangrove ecosystem in Hong Kong.
The University of Hong Kong |
615,620 |
MEEF2018006 Long-term monitoring of population dynamics of Chinese White Dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in Lingding Bay of the Pearl River Delta region: the second stage |
The project aims to examine the latest situation of the CWDs in Lingding Bay of the Pearl River Delta region, including their abundance and distribution pattern, as a comparison to past monitoring results in the PRE in the past decade. Individual ranging patterns, especially any cross-boundary movements, will also be examined using photo-ID technique. This allows a better understanding of the important habitats utilized by the dolphins. Appropriate management and conservation strategies may be derived and will be presented to authorities for better implementation of conservation measures for the PRE CWD population. |
South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute (SCSFRI), Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences |
1,489,000 |
MEEF2018010 What Do Dolphins Do At Night?: filling knowledge gaps in night time range and behaviour activities of Chinese white dolphins in Hong Kong |
This application is part of a multi-year project, aiming to conduct night time acoustic surveys of the entire habitat of CWDs in Hong Kong to provide information on night time density, occurrence and behaviour information of CWDs. Day time acoustic surveys will also be conducted to calibrate visual observations with the respective acoustic data. The collected information on habitat use patterns and behaviour will assist in understanding the temporal change in dolphin population for filling knowledge gaps in night time.
SMRU (HONG KONG) Limited |
(For Year 18/19) |
MEEF2018011 Impact of microplastics on the Chinese horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus in Hong Kong western waters |
This application is part of a multi-year project, aiming to investigate the ecological impact of microplastics (≤ 250 μm) on Chinese horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong western waters based on laboratory and field studies. Findings from this project will help to identify local pollution hotspots and to evaluate the ecological risk of microplastics to horseshoe crabs, providing important information for conservation of horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong and South China. |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
499,000 (For Year 18/19) |