Application Documents Funded Projects Committees Meetings Meetings

List of Projects Funded by the Fisheries Enhancement Fund

2024-2025 | 2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022 | 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018
Reference No. /
Project Title
Project Description Applicant Organisation Funded Amount (HK$) Completion Report
Pearl Farming Pilot Project
This is a multi-year pilot project for pearl farming in Hong Kong, aiming at diversifying mariculture activities in Hong Kong. The project is expected to develop expertise in pearl farming and employment opportunities to fishermen affected by the trawl ban. Aberdeen Fisherwomen Association 1,477,600
(For Year 17/18)
Study on the Current Status of Capture Fisheries Industry in Hong Kong and Strategy towards Sustainable Fisheries Development
This Study mainly aims to (1) understand the current status of the capture fisheries industry by means of field survey with fishermen and (2) recommend strategy to enhance efficiency and safety based on the survey findings with the ultimate goal of attaining sustainable fisheries development in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Fishery Alliance 500,000
Installation of Radar Reflector for Fishing Vessels under 15 m
The Project will encourage fishermen to install radar reflectors for small vessels under 15 m to reduce risk of marine collision. The radar reflector to be installed is expected to enhance the marine safety. Aberdeen Fisherwomen Association 800,000
Hong Kong Fisheries Festival - Planning and Feasibility Study
This Project aims to study the feasibility of organizing a series of fishermen culture-theme events in Hong Kong, namely the Hong Kong Fisheries Festival. It is expected that such events could increase public understanding of HK fishermen and their culture, heighten awareness on fishermen's contribution in Hong Kong, allow exchange of knowledge and expertise, etc. Hong Kong Fishery Alliance 150,000